Polskojęzyczna strona poświęcona życiu i twórczości pastora Charlesa Taze Russella
Pastor Charles Taze Russell
<< Back Chosen no: R-725 a,   from: 1885 Year.
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Willful Sins.

It may be asked, What if in business or on any other account, one should tell that which he knows to be untrue and not from Adamic weakness, etc., but wilfully and deliberately, to misrepresent-- Is such a sin unforgivable?

We answer No. To our understanding such a sin is not covered by the ransom. But we doubt if there be such sins as this often committed, if ever. It is usually in the heat of discussion, or in the anxiety to make a trade, that for the moment the more depraved elements of the being carry away as by storm the better qualities which in the fallen condition are the weaker.

Notice the reasonableness of this. If the man should sin wilfully, and premediatedly, and should thus gain five dollars and should apply to God for forgiveness and remission of his sin because of Jesus' sacrifice, and if it should be thus forgiven, and if he continue so to do, it would be making Jehovah and Jesus parties to and abettors of his evil deeds--an evident absurdity.

On the contrary, no man or woman can wilfully commit sin while under the control of the Spirit of Christ. And should such be overtaken in a fault; it would certainly be the result of the weakness of the flesh. When such would discover the error of their way, they would not only apply for remission through the precious blood of cleansing, but would under the exercise of true repentance confess and repair the wrong to the extent of their ability. Wrong doing under such circumstances would be too expensive to be willingly indulged.

W.T. R-725a : page 5 -1885r

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